Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Employee and productionWorker c++

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//-------------------------class employee--------------------------//
class Employee
private: string empName;
int empNum;
string hireDate;
Employee():empName(""),empNum(0), hireDate("") //default ctor

Employee(string name, int num, string date)
empName = name;
empNum = num;
hireDate = date;

void setempName(string n);
void setempNum(int nm);
void setHiredate(string d);
string getName();
int getNum();
string getDate();
void print();

void Employee::setempName(string n)
{empName = n ;}

void Employee::setempNum(int nm)
{empNum = nm;}

void Employee::setHiredate(string d)
{hireDate = d;}

string Employee::getName()
{return empName;}

int Employee::getNum()
{return empNum;}

string Employee::getDate()
{return hireDate;}
//--------------------class production worker----------------------//
class ProductionWorker : public Employee
int shift;
double hrlyPay;
ProductionWorker():shift(0) , hrlyPay(0.0)

ProductionWorker(int sh , double pay)
shift = sh;
hrlyPay = pay;

void setshift(int s);
void setPay(double p);
int getshift();
double getPay();
void print();

void ProductionWorker::print()
cout << "Employee Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Employee Number: " << getNum() << endl;
    cout << "Hire Date: " << getDate() << endl;
    cout << "Shift: " << getshift();

if(shift == 1)
cout << "(Day Shift)" << endl;}
cout << "(Night Shift)" << endl;

    cout << "Pay Rate: $" << getPay()<< endl;

void ProductionWorker::setshift(int sh)
{sh = shift;}

void ProductionWorker::setPay(double p)
{p = hrlyPay;}

int ProductionWorker::getshift()
{return shift;}

double ProductionWorker::getPay()
{return hrlyPay;}
int main()
int Shift;
double pay;
cout << "Enter 1 for Day Shift or 2 for Night Shift: "<<endl;
cout<< "Any deviation will default to Night Shift ";
cin >> Shift;
cout << "Enter hourly pay: $";
cin >> pay;
    ProductionWorker emp1(Shift, pay);
emp1.setempName("Pedro, Colon");
return 0;