Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Here is a thing that sucks.....
Ever since I grew out my beard for two years, I went from a guy that could get away with not shaving for three, maybe four days to a guy who has to do it every single day unless I want to look like a homeless person walking the streets. Apparently, something about growing it out woke up the follicles and made them more fertile.
Simple answer is to grow it out again. I know that there are a lot of people out there that dig the look but it really bugged me. It itched, my scars would become inflamed when the moisture would stay on them for longer than usual, and the beard required more maintenance than I honestly wanted to put into it. Plus, it added ten years to my face, which I supposed doesn't really matter since the difference between middle age man and crusty old fossil is basically just a term interchangeable at this point in my life.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Why my day is going better than yours...

1.I fell asleep talking to her and woke up with a smile because of it.

2. I scored three cookies on the way out of the hotel

3. An old man (in his 70's) noticed my engineering ring and almost flipped over his luggage to talk to me about how cool it was that the tradition had come all the way from his alma mater. His daughter would have hers in a couple years if that no good boy friend of hers would leave her alone.

4. I discovered this video while cruising toward home.

When a problem asks me to solve using Laplace

Friday, November 6, 2015

The bar was closed.
Apparently guests are not allowed to play the Grand piano after midnight.

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