Sunday, April 7, 2013

Can't sleep and felt like telling a story.

I always tell a story about how good I am. How about one of my low points.
 I was living in Athens on Tallassee Rd, I started dating my ex-neighbor for a while. Let's call her Jenny, since I really can't remember her real name. She had just divorced her husband, who still lived next door, and was living on the other side of town. One night we had a stupid inconsequential argument about how I didn't want to get stoned or something like that. Anyway, we kept the argument going so long that Denise, my roommate at the time, came out to ask us to stop where she could sleep. Jenny left the apartment with a huff instead of finishing.
The next day was the first day back from Spring break and I was extremely busy with school and work. So much so that she didn't come to my mind at all. I just sank myself back into my scholastic work as I usually did/do. Twelve days later, I got a call from Vernen at Jittery Joe's asking me if me and my girlfriend would like to come to his art showing the next night. As he talked, I suddenly realized that Jenny existed. It was exactly like putting a pizza into the oven and then getting sidetracked with something while forgetting about it until you smell smoke bellowing out of the kitchen.
Anyway, I called her that night. She was upset that I was giving her the silent treatment since classes had started. Her girlfriends had convinced her that I was the one that needed to call first. What I didn't tell her was that she was the only one playing that game.
I am not too sure as to what that says about me.

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