Thursday, October 29, 2015

Throw back Thursday (late night/early morning ) edition

nothing to report-just cant sleep

Once again, nothing really new to post. We haven't really worked on the house while we are dealing with more tax issues. So instead of real issues I am fluffing with a survey from Dismas on Facebook. 


1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
Damn I cut the hell out of myself. I need to get a buzz shaver
Damn, I need some coffee.  
2. How much cash do you have in your wallet right now?
I stopped carrying a thick wallet and carry a money clip now. 114$
3. What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?
Bore, core, fore, four, gore,hoar, lore, more, pore, roar,sore, snore,spore,store,tore,wore,yore...and how could I forget, as a Winnie the Pooh fan...Eeyore?!
4. Who is the 4th person on your call list on your cell phone?
Duda again, just labelled as her real name now. 
5. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
Funki Porcini playing The Great Drive By from Love, Pussycats & Carwrecks 
The Iphone default ring
6. What are you wearing right now?
Old grey sweater and comfortable jeans
New grey sweater and comfortable jeans. 
7. Do you label yourself?
All the time. But the labels change every few hours or so.
8. Name the brand of the shoes you’re currently own?
Dockers,Reeboks, Red Wings, and Wellco 
John Doe, BCG tennis shoes, Brooks Brothers, and vintage Converse
9. Bright or Dark Room?
Subdued lighting with light walls. 
10. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
She is a fire cracker when the fuse burns in and you are waiting for the explosion
She better call my ass if she wants me to bring her some real McNuggets when I see her next year. 
11. What does your watch look like?
mid 1950's gold and silver mens everyday watch
Still rocking the old Rolex but have added a model from this century. 
12. What were you doing at midnight last night?
asleep on the couch with Dracula on the TV
Talking with her
13.What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
"I love you"
Sweet dreams, Nite 
14. What’s a word that you say a lot?
Rude!!! (Its from the out of the hood program)
Awesome (I have no idea why I have started saying it a lot lately) 
15. Who told you he/she loved you last?(please exclude spouse , family, children)
Since we are excluding spouse, family and children.
I would have to go with Buffy the dog. She was just curled up in my lap with her head over my shoulder before I started this. 
16. Last furry thing you touched?
My puppy Buffy 
17. Favorite age you have been so far?
right now
18. What was the last thing you said to someone?
Good night. 
I'll take the trash to the road in the morning before I leave. 
19. The last song you listened to?
Bah Samba - So Tired Of Waiting
Renegades - X Ambassadors
20. Where did you live in 1987?
21. Are you jealous of anyone?
Not any more.
Not jealous, just envious 
22. Is anyone jealous of you?
Don't know, don't care, either.
Don't know, don't care.
 23. Name three things that you have on you at all times?
Phone(might not be charged), keys, ipod
Phone, money clip, wallet
24. What’s your favorite town/city?
Sitia, Crete
Brighton England
25. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
In February 
Just the other day actually.
 26. Can you change the oil on a car?
No, why bother when that's what service stations exist for.
Yes, I have always been able to do it.Taking care of my cars is a matter of pride to me. 
27. Your first love/big crush: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
She is a flight attendant. 
She is still a flight attendant, 
28. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
My left leg always hurts lately
Left leg and temples
29. What is your current desktop picture?
Eiffel tower in the fall of last year 
A close up of Murphy's nose 
30. Have you been burnt by love?
Burnt, cooked, charred, toasted, scortched.....
I have been burnt, but the person whom did it to me, is mending that. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Status Update:
I have a pool of water in my shoes. My underwear is tightening up on me as I type.  My office chair is soaking wet. I am cold already and there is an ac vent directly above my head.
I love my motorcycle. It gives me the freedom I desperately desire on a day to day basis. Whether I am riding through the mountains or cutting around cars in midtown, there is nothing like the feeling of not being tethered down. 
I checked the weather as I drank my morning coffee. The day was foretasted to be in the 70's, overcast and only a 10pc chance of rain. Awesome riding weather. I can get away with my open face helmet and just the leather jacket for my ride to I thought. 
The 10pc chance of rain found me as soon as I hit 75n and followed me all the way up to the perimeter. There was such a downpour that the water was getting into the engine, making it shudder and lose power, which is a bit nerve racking while being surrounded by decaf extra foam caramel frap drinking office drones who would rather look at their phones instead of watching the road. It rained on me so hard that my suit which is normally protected in a bag for me to change into when I get to work was completely soaked through. My leather jacket is about 10 lbs heavier since it has adsorbed enough water to be currently on my coat rack dripping still after half an hour of being out of the weather. My gloves which are supposed to be weather proof, are...they just arent where my hands stick out of them. I have had wet hands for the past three hours and currently look as if  they are the hands of a 90 year old man. (wrinkled) 
Getting in to work, I  drop off my suit at the cleaners at the Marta station across the street for them to dry it out and began the day with a frog pond in my pants.  Everyone is making fun of me. So badly that I am debating on just running to Target for a replacement shirt and pants. This would be the point where I would have something funny to say but honestly, Im wet, Im pissed, and I just want this day to end already. 

Vent over. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

A note to you while you are in the bathroom.

Its hard to act cool in front of you because whenever I see you, my brain is like, "This person is so wonderful, now say something stupid" and I'm like, "Awesome idea brain" then I say something stupid....because I'm an idiot.

Honestly, I am having a wonderful time with you. You are heading back this way. Got to go. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Update from Daddy class

So the perverted hippy nurse tells the Daddy Class that we will be watching the process of a child being born tonight . This is fine

This is fine. I have seen the old high school health shock flicks on the subject. No surprises here. The young man I have been partnered with tonight however must have skipped that class while he was knocking up his 16 year old girlfriend. 

About midway through the crowning section of the film, I look over at his face and see THIS. He was in total shock of what was about to happen to his little girlfriend. 

Randomness, I know. I just though I should share. 

Found online.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Five Shuffled Songs

open your music player.
click random
list the first 5.........go.

1. Clocks -  Dallas String Quartet

2.  Nothing Else Matters - Apocalyptica

3. Anyway you want it, - Journey 

4. Cowboy Boots - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

5. My Dearest Darling - Etta James.  

  1. For the last 5 years, I have had a Linux server running in my office for random file storage, running the motion sensors on the back doors, and monitoring the temperature of the aquarium. At a draw of 4 Amps, that is almost 700 dollars a year in power. It took me this long to calculate that. Today I took it all down, transferred everything to either a stand alone netbook or hosting on the Amazon Cloud and powered off the tower. 
  2. After writing the post the other day about the LLee, there has been this deep feeling of regret sitting on my chest because I let her go. Tonight, when my paperwork was done and I was just sitting in my favorite chair reading a book, a powerful urge to sail again hit me. I want to leave from Savannah, and hold a course of straight east until the lights of America drop below the horizon. I want to go where when the sun goes down, there is nothing but the black. I miss the deep rumbles of thunder in the night as the waves lap at the side panels. I want to lay on the deck with someone and look up at the milky way as we pass through the universe. 
  3. I am fighting the tail end of a sinus infection. How bad is it if tomorrow instead of going to lunch, I head down the street to my gym and just sit in the sauna for an hour? Im at the dry sinus stage which hurts in this cold snap we are having right now. There is no way I am contagious yet I am worried about someone getting all pissed off at me if I let a cough go in there. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Cleaning out the photo folders on my server tonight, I happened on this photos from the last trip I took on my boat. This was the end of a long trip down the coast of Florida for a delivery to the new owners.
When I pulled port that morning, the sun had not even begun to rise into the sky. I knew that I would never feel her shudder after going over the top of an extremely tall wave. That was the one time I was afraid for my life as well as having the best time. We would never race a pod of dolphins in the wash of the Savannah river. We would never again pull into an international waterway for shelter from a strong thunderstorm. Those were fun.
This photo was taken as I sat on the pier, waiting on the couple to show up with the rest of the retainer payment. I had sailed all night non stop just to make the deadline for delivery. It was the best night on the water I had ever had. That boat pulled me through the hardest mental part of my life up to that point. She was what I needed in order to retain my sanity.
I never should have let her go.

Monday, October 12, 2015

"People say that you should move on and that there are other fish in the sea.
I say fuck you, she was my sea.  " 

J Faulkner 
 I just picked a piece of asphalt out of my cheek.

24 years old asphalt .
That crap has been in my face for 24 years and I didn't know it.
I wrecked my skateboard on Dogwood Trail's largest hill my 8th grade year of middle school. The skateboard which I was on was not set up correctly for speed and about halfway down a speed wobble threw me off balance, I then hit a stone which in turn sent me face first into the blacktop and skidding into the creek at the bottom of the hill.
The scars were all over my face. When I get hot or excited, you can still see where my red face does not match up with the rest of it. I took off a large section of the my upper lip, above the right eye and most of my chin. For years, I would occasionally feel some coming out of my upper lip.
Now apparently, I have to worry about it still in my cheek.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Five things that make your day.

  1. Coffee in a cool car before the heater kicks in. 
  2. Scotch on the back porch just as the sun drops below the horizon. 
  3. Seeing the first leaves fall off the live oak in my backyard. 
  4. A program compiling perfectly, the first time. 
  5. Seeing a message from her. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

There is a 99% chance that in the last week, I wrote a comment about missing someone on someone's blog but deleted it before posting it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

We are on a small break between meeting sessions. The first one ended a bit early so instead of 30 minutes, we have an hour. The two women from our NY office have done nothing today but complain about how much they hate the city and office for the last 50 minutes. They have been talking about the most non essential crap, talking over each other, and trying to oneup the other about who had the harder night travelling and how bad their hotels have treated them.....(insert me groaning). The biggest part of this whole show of pseudo power which has pissed me off is that they have phrased everything in the most passive aggressive way.
These are supposed to be representatives of our public relations department.....What are they thinking? These behaviors are what make corporate leadership seem to everyone else as cold and impersonal ententes.
There is plenty of stuff to hate about corporate work ,I know this but I don't hate what we do just because of where we are in life.