Sunday, October 18, 2015

  1. For the last 5 years, I have had a Linux server running in my office for random file storage, running the motion sensors on the back doors, and monitoring the temperature of the aquarium. At a draw of 4 Amps, that is almost 700 dollars a year in power. It took me this long to calculate that. Today I took it all down, transferred everything to either a stand alone netbook or hosting on the Amazon Cloud and powered off the tower. 
  2. After writing the post the other day about the LLee, there has been this deep feeling of regret sitting on my chest because I let her go. Tonight, when my paperwork was done and I was just sitting in my favorite chair reading a book, a powerful urge to sail again hit me. I want to leave from Savannah, and hold a course of straight east until the lights of America drop below the horizon. I want to go where when the sun goes down, there is nothing but the black. I miss the deep rumbles of thunder in the night as the waves lap at the side panels. I want to lay on the deck with someone and look up at the milky way as we pass through the universe. 
  3. I am fighting the tail end of a sinus infection. How bad is it if tomorrow instead of going to lunch, I head down the street to my gym and just sit in the sauna for an hour? Im at the dry sinus stage which hurts in this cold snap we are having right now. There is no way I am contagious yet I am worried about someone getting all pissed off at me if I let a cough go in there. 

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