Saturday, August 17, 2013

Why the hell are Americans the stereotypical "rude and stupid tourists"?
I left Arlington this past Friday, completely disgusted with the way we, as Americans, represent ourselves in public. On my off hours, I like to explore our capitol's monuments and the Smithsonian Museum. During my mini adventures, I have noticed that every single American tourist I see does pretty much the same damn thing over and over again, while people from other countries are getting pushed out of the way by their overbearing nature. The American tourist are dressed like crap. (Baggy jeans, t-shirts, dirty clothes) While the nice French woman I met this past week pointed out that she could identify people from her country just by the way some of the tailored dresses were worn. (It was weird but pretty much dead on)
Side note: Americans have this need to touch. Oh look a priceless artifact from the Paleozoic period, lets rub our grubby hands all over the glass and hope that we can share how dirty we really are with the rest of the world. If the sign says don't touch the glass...DON'T TOUCH!
Now, I am not the best dresser in the world. I wear 12 year old blue jeans on my days off, I regularly wear combat boots that have been worn so many years that I have replaced the sole on them twice, and there are quite a few shirts in my dresser older than all but one relationship I have ever been in and are still the most comforting to wear ones I have. But, when I am out in the public eye and am going to be seen, I at least try my best to be an example of proper behavior. American's have this mentality lately that it is okay to cut in line, litter, and act like a jackass to some in need. The only other nationality I have noticed this behavior from are Indians (dot head). I love travelling the world, but there is no way in hell that you would ever get me off the plane in that country and have to deal with their interpersonal issues there....
Sorry, I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant.
If you are at a museum, don't run your hands over the glass. If you are walking through town and see a group of foreign nationals coming down the sidewalk your way, at least pull up your god damned pants. If you see a nice couple with their kids trying to take a picture in front of a monument, stop trying to barge your way in front of them. Just give them a second, this is could be a trip the kids remember for the rest of their lives. Do you really want another generation of people to hate Americans as much as we are hated now? Speaking of monuments, how ignorant do you have to be when you think it is a good idea to climb up onto a national memorial and take a selfie for your FB feed. And one last thing,  please.....If you are in a crowded touristy area, don't light up a stinking Marlboro red!
This shit pisses me off! Show some respect for yourself and your own country!

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